Join us at the clubhouse to support the blue wave in 2018!
Democrats are fighting to take back Congress and Republican-controlled state legislatures and governorships all across the country. Come to connect with your neighbors, talk about the blue wave candidates who are inspiring you, share how much you've donated or fundraised for candidates in August, and make additional pledges to candidates you already support or to a new candidate or two you heard about by attending the event! We'll visualize our collective impact on a big map of the US and tally up everyone's August donations, fundraising, and pledges to announce a grand total at the end of the event.
We will not be handling any contributions intended for candidates! You can donate directly to or help fundraise for individual candidates. This party will help you to learn about the candidates others are supporting and make pledges that night to donate later.
Suggested donations of $5 will help cover costs for drinks and snacks.
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: July 31
Summer Conversation with District Leader Costa Constantinides
Later Event: September 4
September General Body Meeting